The vibrant celebration of the youth festival, La Festa, took place with great fervor at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Thirunavaya, on the 4th and 5th of August 2023, for the academic year 2023-2024. The event commenced with a warm welcome speech by the esteemed Principal, Smt. Sajana, setting the tone for the festivities. Chairman Mr. Madhava Warrior's presidential address further ignited the spirit of enthusiasm among the attendees.The chief guest, Poet Smt. Girija Pathekkara, added a touch of elegance to the event by personally lighting the ceremonial lamp and officially inaugurating the proceedings.  PTA President Mr. Venugopal and the School Director, Smt. Nirmala Chandra handed over badges to the  elected Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy headboy and Deputy headgirl who were chosen through  school election process along with them House Captains and Perfectors were also given badges. Vice Principal Smt. Bindhu Menon and PTA Executive members graced the occasion with their presence. Smt. Vidya K, one of the English teachers, expressed gratitude in her  vote of thanks. Spanning two days and encompassing six stages of engaging activities, the youth festival proved to be a memorable and uplifting experience for all participants.